Nice to meet you, I am Harsha Liyanage.
As I completed my PhD in Biotechnology, I realized that life has more to offer than the happiness we pursue through status, power, and money. While this may not be the typical start to a career path, I decided to pursue diverse interests in life: charity in entrepreneurship, humanity in travel, and self-transcendence instead of self-actualisation. In the following 30 years, I developed enterprises and travelled the world while becoming a happy father. Through my journey of self-discovery and exploration, I discovered the amazing power of mindfulness and Buddhist meditation.
Now I use what I've learned to help people like you find balance in success. I'll show you how to invest your time and energy to introduce loving-kindness in every aspect of life: from work-life balance to mental health and well-being. I'll also teach you how to cultivate a daily meditation practice to build a successful career without compromising your happiness or that of your loved ones.

Why I do it!
Many of us aspire to be good citizens, but we often fail to recognize the power of simple acts of kindness that we do every day. Kindness is a universal religion that knows no boundaries. Mindfulness and meditation can teach us the true meaning of loving-kindness, inspire us to perform acts of kindness, and empower us to enjoy the benefits. Through my work, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible impact that loving-kindness can have on our mental and emotional well-being, work-life balance, and everyday life. That's why I have made it my mission to share all of my knowledge and experience to make your world a better place through the Kindness Code. My book 'The Kindness Code' gives you a better understanding of my life, my mission, and myself.
- Ignite > Light up > Radiate kindness -
Facebook: Kindness Code Community
LinkedIn Profile: Harsha Liyanage
Amazon Author Profile: The Kindness Code
YouTube Channel: The Kindness Code
Kindness Code Academy